Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cookies for a Cure

On Saturday, May 8, West Seattle held its annual community garage sale. More than 200 people from all over the neighborhood signed up to participate. For those who do not have garages/yards like us, we reserved a space at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse, a local place off of California Ave. There were more than 30 groups selling items in the coffee shop's courtyard and parking lot.

To prepare for the cookie sale, on Monday-Friday night from 6 pm-12 am, we baked cookies...lots and lots of them. We made sugar cookies (frosted white with pink ribbons), chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter cookies. I quadrupled each recipe, which meant that we made a few too many chocolate chip cookies, but that's okay. In all we probably made 50-60 dozen cookies (plus a few dozen from friends who chipped in). We were more than prepared for the crowds on Saturday.


The peanut butter dough, ready to be forked...

Brian seen working his magic...

The stacks upon stacks...

More bags please...

The frosted sugar cookies...

With pink ribbons!

Saturday was a sunny and warm spring day (which always puts Seattlites in a good mood). We made a "Cookies for a Cure" sign, borrowed a tent and table from a co-worker, bought wax tissue and paper bags, gathered Climb to Fight Breast Cancer brochures and more. We had a nice setup!

We arrived at Hotwire around 8:15 am and people started to show up for cookies soon after that. There was a pretty steady stream of people until 3:30 pm. We have no idea how many cookies were sold, but our grand total was $422.18! Some people donated $1.00 and others gave $5.00, but the average was about $2-3/cookie. We were happy with the community support we received. A few people were even interested in the Climb to Fight Breast Cancer and our training for Mt. Rainier in August (we wore our new packs filled with blankets to draw attention to the Climb).

We even made it into the West Seattle Blog, THE news source for our neighborhood: http://westseattleblog.com/2010/05/west-seattle-community-garage-sale-day-2010-midday-report.

Overall it was a fabulous day. We brought the extra cookies to work on Monday and got a few more donations then too, so our total for all the cookies was $526.34! That puts us at about $3,600 for breast cancer research at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. We are at 71% of our goal. Yay!