Monday, April 12, 2010

Hike 6: Little Si

Seattle surprised us with a few rainy/cold April days, so we didn't go hiking on the weekend of April 3-4. The mountains received a good amount of snow so we weren't sure about local trail conditions. We avoided hikes with where there would be a lot of snow and decided on Little Si, which only reaches 1,576 feet at its peak. We invited our friends, Mitra and Reinhard, to join us on the 4.6 mile hike. It was a fantastic day, and it was nice to see the sun shining through the trees.

This is the view from the top of Little Si. The ridge across the way is the hike we went on two weeks ago from Snoqualmie Peak to Rattlesnake Lake. As you can see, there is a considerable amount of snow at the top. The city of North Bend is below.

This is a view looking east across Snoqualmie Pass.

Here we are with our friends, Mitra and Reinhard.

A few minutes after this picture was taken, we saw a 5 year-old fawn pug stopping to enjoy the view. I couldn't believe that a pug could hike this far. Pugs are not necessarily known for their agility, their endurance, nor their breathing ability (or lack thereof). Not to mention they are sometimes stubborn and lazy. But not this pug...he was extremely fit and seemed to enjoy hiking. His owner even said that he made it all the way to the top of Mt. Si, which is 8 miles roundtrip. Incredible! Maybe a pug is in my future after all...

As of today, we've only been able to raise $1,705, which is about 34% of the way to $5,000. We are going to continue to fundraise until June 2, which gives us two more months to get to our goal. We appreciate any support that you can give. All donations are 100% tax-deductible and 83 cents of every dollar raised goes to breast cancer research. Thanks for your support!