Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hike 4: Middle Fork Snoqualmie River

We can't believe it's almost the end of March! Time is flying by...which means that we have fewer and fewer days to reach our fundraising goal of $5,000. So far we've received about $1,500, but we still need another $1,000 to make it to $2,500 by April 2. Please consider supporting us and donating to breast cancer research at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. For every dollar donated, 83 cents goes directly to research, and your donation is 100% tax-deductible!

Now on to our most recent hike on Saturday, which was another gorgeous day in the Pacific Northwest. We ventured out to Taylor River Trail, north of a city called North Bend, just off of I-90. After a 12 mile drive on a bumpy dirt road that was more suited for a Jeep than for our compact car, we came to the trailhead for Middle Fork Snoqualmie River. After gazing at the map for several minutes, we couldn't quite find the original trail that we intended to hike. We settled on the Middle Fork Snoqualmie Trail and made the best of it. The trail meandered along the river for most of our four-hour hike, which added a peaceful hum to the swish of our hiking pants and the thump of our steps.

A trail map of our journey

Great view of Garfield Mountain

We noticed quite a few landslide areas with lots of fallen trees, boulders and the beginnings of streams winding down the newly formed valleys.

This was our turn around point. We could have continued on another 4 miles or so to the hot springs, but decided 10 miles was plenty for one day.

Brian is about six feet tall and I took this picture from about 50 feet away. The boulder was humongous!

Until next time...